Workshops & Presentations

Learning Events for Any Audience

Workshops & Presentations

Currently, our Workshops and Presentations are offered remotely, and can successfully be delivered as a school-wide assembly, during a staff development day, to an entire class or group, or as an online seminar on a connected device.

Each is scheduled for 90 minutes-2 hours, depending on group size.


Our Workshops will keep you up to date on current Evidence-Based Practices and are carefully aligned with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Strategic Prevention Framework model.

All Workshops include time for discussion and questions, a “take away” with key points from the Workshop, and optional next steps for action planning. These engaging experiences empower participants to implement new strategies immediately.

Our Workshops are designed for an adult audience and are appropriate for any school or youth-serving agency staff.

A foundational PD for all prevention planners and providers. Learn to apply the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), designed as a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing behavioral health problems facing your unique community and complex environmental contexts. The SPF includes:

  1. Assessment: Identify local prevention needs based on data (e.g., What is the problem?)
  2. Capacity: Build local resources and readiness to address prevention needs (e.g., What do you have to work with?)
  3. Planning: Find out what works to address prevention needs and how to do it well (e.g., What should you do and how should you do it?)
  4. Implementation: Deliver evidence-based programs and practices as intended (e.g., How can you put your plan into action?)
  5. Evaluation: Examine the process and outcomes of programs and practices (e.g., Is your plan succeeding?)

The SPF is also guided by two cross-cutting principles that should be integrated into each of the steps that comprise it:

  • Cultural competence. The ability of an individual or organization to understand and interact effectively with people who have different values, lifestyles, and traditions based on their distinctive heritage and social relationships.
  • Sustainability. The process of building an adaptive and effective system that achieves and maintains desired long-term results.
Providing an overview of SEL, its short-term effects and long-term benefits, this interactive workshop prepares your staff to engage with youth in trauma-informed, supportive ways. Participants leave this event inspired with action plans and concrete goals based on the latest SEL science.
This training emphasizes the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and provides techniques to increase EQ within oneself, along with additional information on self-care, so that you can be most effective in your work and personal lives and avoid burn-out.
Learn about the many ways that trauma affects youth and gain a theoretical understanding and practical approaches to working with these youth to promote healthy, positive behavior and optimal brain development.
This Workshop Series will help you engage and earn trusting relationships with youth while building the capacity of young people to eventually lead. Topics in this Series include:

  • Staying Fluid in your Leadership Roles
  • Developing Positive and Supportive Relationships
  • Transformative Power of Reversing Responsibility
A healthy, loving relationship creates a safe space for personal growth and provides a sense of belonging, love, and integrity. Topics include gender socialization, equality in a relationship, creating a foundation of respect, and recognizing unhealthy relationships.


Our interactive and engaging Presentations are tailored to the audience:

  • Teens: middle school- or high school-aged youth
  • Adults: parents/guardians/caregivers to teens and/or school or youth-serving agency staff.

All Presentations include time for Q and A, a “take away” with key points from the Presentation, and optional follow-up practice activities and booster resources. These fast-paced and interactive Presentations create enthusiasm and motivation for skill building.

Presentations for Teens

Our self-esteem affects our daily life and relationships, for better or worse. Learn how to enhance the self-esteem of others and what boosts your own self-esteem. The skills learned and practiced in this Presentation form the groundwork for healthy, honest self-awareness.

Do you make planned decisions or act impulsively? Planned decisions can contribute to personal control, improved moods and goal attainment. During this Presentation, explore your own decision-making styles, learn to break down large goals into mini-steps, and use a responsible decision-making model.

We can all have unhelpful responses to big emotions — stress, anger, depression. In this Presentation, learn to identify what triggers your difficult moods and to develop some personal strategies for healthy coping. We’ll emphasize the importance of a social support network, releasing negative moods in healthy ways, and how to interrupt automatic, out-of-control responses to improve self-management.

The Interpersonal Communication Presentation offers skills for communicating that will lead to better personal control and more goal achievement. Communicating effectively can contribute to healthy, more rewarding relationships with peers and adults. Learn some skills many adults don’t even have and set yourself up for success, now and in the future.

What makes for a healthy relationship? Do you know the signs that you or someone you care about might be in an unhealthy relationship? We’ll talk about the types of dating violence as well as its consequences and discuss what to do when you suspect abuse.

Through this interactive presentation, you’ll learn about the many ways that early childhood experiences can affect brain functioning and behavior. You’ll be invited to complete a self-assessment to evaluate their own ACES “score” and discuss practical ways to counteract ACES with healthy, positive behavior and optimal brain health.

Presentations for Adults

From a place of non-judgement, we’ll cover prevalent trends in teen drug use, current terminology, and warning signs that a teen may be using drugs or alcohol. We’ll share some promising data about today’s teens’ choices and as well as harm reduction and prevention techniques that concerned parents can utilize.
This engaging training discusses healthy and unhealthy relationships, recognizing the dynamics of violence – including teen dating violence – and the complex impact of domestic violence on families, individuals, and communities.
An overview of current trends and typical pitfalls of social media popular with today’s youth. We’ll discuss finding a healthy balance of screen time and optional parental controls for safeguarding your child.
Human trafficking survivors are often trafficked by those familiar or close to them, including family members or romantic partners. Learn about the intersection of domestic violence and trafficking, how to identify warning signs that someone may be a victim, and safe help-seeking techniques.
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