Prevention Training
Programs for Today's Learners!
View Programs
Reconnecting YouthA peer group approach to building life skillsLearn More
CASTCoping and Support Training – A Road Map for Teen GroupsLearn More
Family Engagement ProgramFor Caregivers of RY & CAST YouthLearn More
CAST for Today’s Student AthletesCoach-To-Athlete Trainings that Model Respect & Promote Healthy RelationshipsLearn More
Professional Development
& Workshops
Learning Events for Any AudienceLearn More

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist with improving school climate, strengthen family engagement, and provide professional development by using evidence-based programs and practices.

Training and Technical Assistance


Program Evaluation

To achieve program goals, evidence-based programs need to be implemented as designed. Our Program Training plays a key role in fidelity implementation, enabling you to get the best student outcomes. Sharing your Program outcomes with stakeholders can lead to future funding and program sustainability.


TA & Program Support

Good Technical Assistance (TA) supports successful implementation, positive student outcomes, and the sustainability of your program. For evidence-based programs like RY or CAST, TA must be embedded into your organization’s infrastructure and seamlessly aligned with your prevention model.


What Students Have to Say About Reconnecting Youth & CAST

I followed the STEPS and walked away to calm down instead of arguing with my mom. We are getting along better now!

—Hannibal, MO

I’ve really enjoyed participating in RY. It’s one of my favorite classes I’ve ever had. It was a change and not like any other class. I feel it motivated me to do better and always keep my head up. If I could take this class for the rest of high school, I would. Thank you for the opportunity to talk about the things in our lives such as school, drugs, alcohol, and anything else that needed to be discussed.

—Santa Barbara, CA

CAST is helping me to slow down before I act. I still get mad and all, but I am slowing down and trying to do the right thing.

—Hannibal, MO

Now graduation feels possible to me.

—Summit Co., CO

RY was a good class. And I’m happy I took it. Getting close to everyone and being so open made me feel so good.

—Chicago, IL

I learned a lot in the RY class. I have much better self-esteem since the class started. I am less mad at times. I think about things before I do it.

—Morrow Co., OH

RY has helped me to work out my problems and stop running from them. RY has taught me how to open up to people about my problems.

—Cherokee, NC

This class made me realize how much pot I had been smoking. I have cut back on my use a lot. I get to school on time. I plan on graduating on time too.

—Frisco, CO

Before joining RY, without a doubt I was probably one of the laziest people you know. . . . Wasn’t willing to be held responsible for my own actions. . . . I got my GPA high enough so that I was able to be accepted to Oregon State University for a football scholarship.

—Tulare Co., CA
I think CAST is great because it’s really helping me make good choices, and I know I can get support from the other people in the group if I need help!
—Hannibal, MO

As of [this week], I will be clean for 4 months! RY helped me to be where I am today. I have got my mom and dad’s respect back. RY is a very good program.

—Swain Co., NC

RY helped me to . . . think about how my actions, whether good or bad, will and can affect those around me that care.

—Essex, NY

This group has made a big turnaround. I feel like no one is going to question what I say now – and that it will stay here.

—Portland, ME

Something I enjoyed most about RY was . . . being able to be real and not be afraid or ashamed to speak my mind.

—Santa Barbara, CA
[In RY] I have learned how to let go and how to start to deal with problems. I know that will help me in the future.

—Sparta, OH